Announcement: Ongoing Maintenance of QC/D

UPDATE: All the articles are now fixed!

If you've been reading any of the Queen City Discovery articles published on or before June 24, 2011, you might have noticed that there are no images accompanying the text. Recently, not only some of our most popular articles over the years (such as those on Americana/LeSourdsville Lake and the Cincinnati Subway), but any article before the previously mentioned date lost the images that compliment them.

When I started QC/D in 2007, I was new to image hosting and HTML coding. A good friend of mine offered me up some free space on his server and with that space - the images that appeared on QC/D found a home. After fixing a hiccup with that server in the summer of 2011, I switched to hosting images on Flickr and have stuck with that since. This is why some articles still retain their photographs and others do not.

In the past few weeks, I started noticing comments coming in that images were missing. I then noticed that the server appeared to be offline. I contacted my friend who had lent me the server space and after some investigation we found that something catastrophic had happened: that particular server and my images were gone and not recoverable.

The Bad News:
Most articles published on QC/D before June 2011 have lost their accompanying images and are simply just text, including the captions that reference the now missing photos.

The Good News:
(Mostly) Everything was backed up. In the coming weeks, I'll be going about the painstaking process of re-hosting the old images and rewriting the HTML of the articles to once again feature their photographs. This means that all the older articles will eventually be restored to their original state.

The Other News:
As we go about fixing this problem, QC/D will remain active. New updates and posts will continue regularly and there's some cool stuff coming too: an abandoned drive-in, lodge, country club, tunnel and factory as well as more updates to the ongoing "Suburbia Lost" and "Kings Waffle" series.

I appreciate everyone who's taken the time to read QC/D over the past seven years and want to sincerely thank my friend Al for letting me host my images on his space for so long. Thanks for your patience as we work to get QC/D back to where it was and as we add new content.

If you notice any other errors or have suggestions, feel free to send me an email.

Photographs From the Evening of March 21, 2014


QC/D Featured in Roman Luck's "Project Someone"