Fading Advertisements: Normal Business College in Petoskey, MI

Found last December while in Northern Michigan. The Petoskey Normal Business College dates back to 1888 and in 1907 was on the second floor of this building according to this website. The site sources a pamphlet entitled "Petoskey: Queen City of the North" which describes the college this way:

"This splendid educational institution now enjoys a state-wide reputation as a college preparatory and normal training school. The branches taught at this school included college preparatory, English and Scientific Courses, Languages, Collegiate and Normal courses, Shorthand and Typewriting, Commercial and Business methods, Telegraphy, Civil Service, Electricity, Physical Culture, Oratory, etc. Over 1,000 students have been graduated from this school since its organization in 1888."
Even though I only had the iPhone 7+'s questionable "zoom" lens handy, I wanted to document a ghost sign in another "Queen City."

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February 2017


[Suburbia Lost] Burger King - Allentown, PA