Random Photographs | January - May 2023
Random photographs that didn’t necessarily have a place in a larger story or post in the (almost) first half of the year.
President of the United States Joseph R. Biden rolling down Cincinnati’s 7th St. while I walked my dog.
Smale Park meditation maze a.k.a. the “labyrinth.” Cincinnati.
Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati awaiting a Bengals playoff game.
A Cincinnati “Toynbee / Hades Tile” partially destroyed by a pothole. Previously covered back in 2017 in one of my favorite stories.
Nana and her preferred pizza.
“The Building That Changes Color” on a Sunday evening.
TQL Stadium in Cincinnati.
Convenience store. Deer Park, Ohio.
Dead payphone. Deer Park, Ohio. This photograph would’ve been a good fit for this series if I had found it earlier.
Cincinnati Streetcar at Walnut and 7th Streets in front of the Contemporary Arts Center.
Downtown Cincinnati.
The Southbank Shuttle which runs between Cincinnati and the Northern Kentucky cities of Newport and Covington.
35mm photograph made with a Minolta X-700 and Kodak Ultramax 400.
Downtown Cincinnati.
Great American Ballpark.
While up in Oxford for work recently, I finally had Bagel & Deli. Delicious.
Oxford, Ohio.
Millville, Ohio.
Attempting to drive home from Oxford, Ohio.
Escape room advertisement. Downtown Cincinnati.
Abandoned hotel satellite dish. Downtown Cincinnati.
The Fort Washington Way interstate overpasses in Downtown Cincinnati.
Downtown Cincinnati.
12th St. Cincinnati.
Was on the west coast for awhile doing some work. Stories soon. L.A. Metro train headed towards a GTA San Andreas skyline.
After being in California, I had to jump down to Florida for a bit. A Sarasota, Florida root beer stand known as the Hob Nob Drive In.
Sarasota, Florida.
Sarasota, Florida.
The demolition of “Circumspect,” a sculpture park in Cincinnati designed by hometown artist Stuart Fink. The place also served as a skatepark and was covered in a story last year.
Back with more stories soon.
Since 2007, the content of this website (and its former life as Queen City Discovery) has been a huge labor of love.
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