Michigan 2017
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

Michigan 2017

Photographs and stories made while traversing the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.

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A Day in Arch City
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

A Day in Arch City

I hate the term "flyover city." There's more to the United States than just New York, Chicago and LA. There's also more to the United States than just its collection of major cities. Even while places such as Columbus, Indianapolis, Portland, my hometown of Cincinnati, et. all toil to define their identities and stand out, all places have elements that make them unique to an extent.

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To "The Good Land" and Back
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

To "The Good Land" and Back

"In fact, isn't 'Milwaukee' an Indian name." asked Pete.

"Why yes, Pete, it is," replied Alice. "Actually, it's pronounced 'mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for 'the good land.'"

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Crooked Lake - Angola, Indiana
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

Crooked Lake - Angola, Indiana

After spending the night in Ft. Wayne, Jeff and I woke up early to head out to Angola, Indiana, a place that held many childhood memories for us.

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