The Terrace Plaza | Part 3 - The Future?
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

The Terrace Plaza | Part 3 - The Future?

The Dennison Hotel building wasn’t anywhere near as grand or as historically significant as the Terrace Plaza. Nevertheless, it was a historic structure designed by a prominent person and located within a protected historic district.

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The Terrace Plaza | Part 2 - The Present
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

The Terrace Plaza | Part 2 - The Present

With a passing glance, the Terrace Plaza’s front entrance seems like any other urban hotel. There’s still quite a few cars parked under the awning, as if valet service is catering to a busy check in. On this day, there were plenty of guests inside, but they weren’t of the lodging variety.

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The Terrace Plaza | Part 1 - The Past
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

The Terrace Plaza | Part 1 - The Past

In the time I’ve been putting this website together/been a professional photographer, there have been a lot of places I wanted to see and document locally. With many of them, I eventually had the opportunity either through my own resources, invitations, or through organizations I’ve worked with. There was always one that seemed to escape me, though.

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