Selling Out For Our Fifteen Minutes of Fame

After the Enquirer did a really cool piece on the adventures of myself and my friend Dr. Venkman, we started getting a lot of attention. The article got picked up on the wire and even made it into online and print editions of USA Today, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Boston Herald, The Dayton Daily News and The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (yeah, from THE Fort Wayne, Indiana). Fox 19 contacted us and invited us onto their morning show. Conan O`Brien (who was a million times better than Jay Leno) never approached us to be on the Tonight Show in his final days as host, so we decided we would take Fox 19's offer. So Friday morning gather your kids around the tv and tune into WXIX to hear some stories and see some pictures.

What: Gordon Bombay and Venkman on the Fox 19 Morning Show
Channel: Fox 19 WXIX
Time: 8:30 A.M.
Date: 1/29/10

Some of the more "hardcore urban explorers" and haters on the Enquirer comment section might see this as "selling out," but we think it will be cool and appreciate the offer from Fox 19, so we're gonna do it anyways. Don't forget after you check out our fifteen minutes of fame in the morning and go to work, you can unwind in the evening by coming to the new Forgotten Cincinnati exhibit. Stop by, say hello and enjoy Final Friday.

Forgotten Cincinnati Part 2: Talking about Trespassing on TV and Final Friday.


"If I wanted weather like this, I'd move to Seattle..."