[Views of Cincinnati] The Fleet of Covington

26 - The Fleet of Covington

I got in the car and drove down the parkway as the sun was setting. Adjacent to my apartment there was a nice skyline shot, but I decided to keep going. I never take the direct route to Covington. I always cross the Big Mac and get off in Cincinnati on 3rd. St. Then I cut over to the Roebling and back across the river. I drove down to the Covington riverfront. I decided to drive down by the shuttered Mike Fink's, a docked riverboat turned restaurant that is indefinitely closed. Docked on its pier is the Covington Fire Department's boat. They're the two of three boats docked on Covington's shore - the "fleet" if you will. The third boat is another closed floating restaurant down river. The only active boat in the armada is the fire boat.

I got out of my car, careful not to step in the fecal remains of the fowl that were hanging out on the shore (duck shit). Three ducks started walking towards me. They either thought I had food or they also wanted to hear Marty Brennaman and "The Cowboy" announce the Reds still weren't hitting/UDF ice cream was really good respectively.

 I lined up the shot. The cool blue sky reflected into the slower moving river water between the shore and the boats along with the torch-like lights of the bridge that was spanning over the stadium on the opposite shore. The skyline peaked just to the right above the paddle wheel of the closed "boatraunt."

Then I went home.

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Update | Oct. 21, 2017:
  • I eventually did a story about all the abandoned/forgotten/now gone floating restaurants of Covington. It's located here.

[Views of Cincinnati] Grit-cinati


[Views of Cincinnati] #21 - 25