"The Future is One of Mighty Ducks T-Shirts and Discmen" New Book Now on Sale

There's a reason behind every photograph made, behind every subject you choose to shoot. Over the past five years I've had the opportunity express my thoughts through a visual medium, this book is a collection of that work - a documentation of the places I've been to and the people I've met, the reasoning behind my decisions expressed in still images.

Coinciding with five years of running this website, I put together a collection of some of my favorite photographs from the past half decade. It's a self published book that I don't make much off of, but if you care to buy it - there's 44 high-quality photographs and a brief explanation behind the title, and it's dedicated to my late friend Doug. At the very least, it makes a good conversation piece for your coffee table? The book is available in soft and hard cover through Blurb and can be purchased here.

Thanks for reading QC/D all these years and continuing to, I truly appreciate it.

Purchase "The Future is One of Mighty Ducks T-Shirts and Discmen."


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