Hawaii 1

I’m currently in Hawaii on vacation. This is the farthest I’ve ever been from Cincinnati, the longest sequence of flights I’ve ever taken. Yet, I’ve still never left the borders of the United States. Despite the more exotic landscape, there are still familiar reminders of the continental States’ in terms of grocery store layouts, gas stations, traffic signs, and tourism themes. The same wooden, faux-weathered signs emblazoned with “live, laugh, love” are available here just as they are on Hilton Head Island, around the lakes of Michigan, and in every Bed Bath and Beyond store between Memorial and Labor Days. But, there’s a vastly different history to this State compared to the others across the ocean. Hopefully in the coming days we’ll experience more of the actual culture and history beyond what’s emblazoned on the t-shirts sold at farmer’s market souvenir stands. In the meantime, the weather’s nice, the ocean feels wonderful, and there’s an intriguing amount of payphones still lining the sidewalks. The flights are long enough to let me get a ton of writing and editing done. I’ve also had time to read an actual book as opposed to a constant stream of emails. It’s been so, so nice to get away for awhile.

If you have any suggestions on anything offbeat, random, abandoned, or straight up weird to go visit, I’m all ears. Here’s some photographs:


The White Obelisk seen above was erected to memorialize Captain James Cook, the first documented non-native to visit Hawaii. It’s where he first made landfall and the approximate location of where he was later killed.

The frogs seen in the second photograph have been made into satchels. For $45, you can carry your car keys in the carcas of a dead frog.

Photographs 9-11 are of the “Hawaii Big Island Resort,” which was formerly a Hilton. The architecture is awesome.

Hawaii 2


May 2018