Two Taco Bells…
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

Two Taco Bells…

After the fast food giant abandoned two locations in favor of new ones just down the street—locals in Columbus and Cincinnati set up restaurants with much better food options.

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[Suburbia Lost] McDonald’s - Forest Park, OH 2
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

[Suburbia Lost] McDonald’s - Forest Park, OH 2

Abandoned fast food places dot the American landscape everywhere you look, but it’s rare to find a shuttered McDonald’s still standing. Sometimes you get lucky, though, and find the White McWhale of derelict suburban architecture.

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[Suburbia Lost] By Night
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

[Suburbia Lost] By Night

Some new Suburbia Lost entries that, despite their derelict status, are all aglow in the evening. An office supply store, a ubiquitous fast food restaurant, and a bank.

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[Suburbia Lost] McDonald's - Forest Park, OH
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

[Suburbia Lost] McDonald's - Forest Park, OH

In a recent Suburbia Lost entry we took a look at the "pizza hut phenomenon.' I.E. When purpose built structures of restaurant chains and fast food organizations have such a distinct identity it's hard to imagine them being anything else. Oftentimes, these businesses are actually leasing the buildings and when something new opens up, the building's design gives you a direct clue to its history. There's one organization though that never really falls victim to this and that's McDonald's.

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[Suburbia Lost] Burger King - Allentown, PA
Ronny Salerno Ronny Salerno

[Suburbia Lost] Burger King - Allentown, PA

America's 2nd favorite fast food chain has always been doing things differently than McDonald's. One of those differences: one company will let their abandoned stores rot, the other won't.

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