[Views of Cincinnati] Basic Training

#14 - Fundamental

There was a swarm of photographers at Devou Park that night. Many of them were all gathered around one guy with their cameras in hand, he seemed to be giving them a lesson. Some kind of "basic training" if you will. I'm not knocking it, he brought them to the perfect place. Devou Park has one of the best views of the city and one of the easiest ones to photograph. It's spring, the light is nice and the view is beautiful. You have the two towers on the ends, the clusters of smaller skyscrapers between them and the rust and grit of the bridge in the foreground. Any poor bastard who got conned into buying a Sony Alpha* at a big box electronics store can point his camera and press the button while coming away with a nice shot. The view appears on postcards, advertisements and even television. In a body of work like this though, you sometimes have to go back to the basics.

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No matter how well traveled or photographed the spot may be - everyone see's it differently. Statistically speaking, is it even possible for someone to make the same shot twice? Over the years, the skyline changes, cars move on the horizon in front of you, birds fly by, the clouds move. Everyone interprets it and sees it in their own way. Although the view is common, if you look close - no two shots are the same. No matter how "basic" the place may be.







*Apologies to any Sony Alpha fans (but, seriously?)

[Views of Cincinnati] The Road


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